
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

Science & Islam

Science scrutinized in light of the Quran

Albert Einstein once stated that 'Science without Religion is Lame, and Religion without Science is Blind' [ref]. In other words, he asserted that an intrinsic relationship must exist between these two entities. This is exactly what Islam teaches us and what the early Muslim scholars strongly espoused. For centuries, the world of Islamic scholarship produced the best scientists and physicians in the world. They followed Allah's (i.e. God's) instructions in the Holy Quran, Revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), in order to explore and study His Creation. For instance, in Surah Ale Imran, 3:191, we are told not to have blind faith; rather, we must use our intellect to ponder upon the Creation of the Universe and the Earth. And in doing so, we are expexted to come to the absolute and undeniable realization that there is no God, but Allah. To that effect, the Quran offers numerous Ayats (i.e. Signs) that touch upon a wide variety of scientific principles and disciplines, as well as ancient historic events. Interestingly, the majority of this knowledge had either been unknown or forgotten until modern scientific and archeological advances were made in the twentieth century (i.e. roughly thirteen to fourteen centuries since the Revelation of the Quran). And what is even more amazing is that these Ayats were Revealed to a man who not only lived in the desolate desert of seventh century Arabia, but who could not read or write. To us, this is indisputable evidence of the truth of the message of Islam.

Here, we will try to analyze some of these Ayats in light of modern scientific discoveries and recent historical findings. In doing so, we will find that many a times a topic is discussed in various places in the Quran. As such, we must study the Book as a whole and gather all the relevant Ayats in order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the subject. We will also use the Hadith (i.e. the sayings of our beloved prophet Muhammad (PBUH)) to help us in this quest. We will discuss a wide array of topics such as Astronomy/Astrophysics, which includes the Creation and Evolution of the Universe, Earth Sciences, Medicine and Zoology among others. We will also study other amazing aspects of Islam that we believe simply cannot be explained by mere coincidence.

One must note however that while a thorough understanding of the Quran from a scientific and historic point-of-view is not necessary in order to appreciate the validity of the Book, or the truth of Islam's message for that matter, it certainly adds another dimension to it. One that is objective and verifiable. The analysis we are about to present is what we find amazing about this unique Book. Others may find something else more appealing. We believe that the miracle of the Quran is simply not limited to its scientific and historic merits, but is also apparent in its literary wonder, its unparalleled succinctness and its numerical precision among other things. In this work, we will attempt to highlight some of these aspects that we believe set the Quran apart from any other book in history.

Although it may seem at times that science is serving to validate the message of the Quran, in reality, it is the exact opposite. In other words, the Quran is the answer-key against which human knowledge has to be examined. If our understanding conforms with the Quran, then we are on the right track. If however, our findings contradict the Book, then we have either misunderstood the Quran or our findings are simply erroneous. Our ultimate endeavor in this work is to show that we cannot and should not use our scientific understandings to defend the Quran, but rather use the Quran to defend our scientific understandings.

One might wonder why a religious textbook such as the Quran would discuss scientific notions. While there are many reasons for this, the following are some of the important ones we could think of: 1. It teaches Muslims various Laws governing Creation. 2. It reaffirms and strengthens a Muslim's belief in the Oneness of God and everything that is in the Quran. 3. It inspires Muslims to further study the Creation through the various disciplines of sciences in order to advance not just the Islamic, but the entire human civilization. It thus helps Muslims realize that religion and science are intricately linked to each other. 4. It also allows the non-Muslim readers to ponder upon the validity of the message of Islam by providing them with an opportunity to objectively scrutinize the Quran knowing full-well that even a single inaccuracy would nullify its claim as the Word of God. After all, if God indeed Created the Universe and the Earth, then He should be able to accurately describe its most fundamental Laws and Principles. 5. It also allows the reader to better understand the Quran itself.

We believe that ultimately all true knowledge is with God, and any errors in our analysis of the Quran categorically stems from our own shortcomings. In account of it, we sincerely seek forgiveness from our Creator and apologize in advance to our readers. We also acknowledge that if our understanding of the Quran is indeed accurate, it may still not be the only correct one. There most certainly are other proper interpretations. No matter the case, with regards to the unshakable and universal validity of the Quran, God Makes a profound statement:

Then do they not reflect upon the Quran? If it had been from [any] other than Allah , they would have found within it much contradiction. Surah An-Nisa, 4:82

While as Muslims our efforts here are to primarily obtain a better, more comprehensive understanding of God's Words, we will also try our very best to demonstrate to our non-Muslim readers how accurate the Quran is from a scientific and historic perspective. We therefore pray to our Creator for Help and Guidance in this quest (Amin).

We do hope that after examining the contents of what we are presenting, at least some will God Willing come to the firm conclusion that the Quran is undoubtedly the most accurate scientific work in existence even though it is not a Book of Science but one of Signs.


Table of Contents

A. The Holy Quran

I. Science

1. Astronomy/Astrophysics

a. Cosmology

b. The Galaxy

c. The Solar System

d. The Earth

e. Physics

i. Mass vs. Weight

f. The Various Motions in Space

g. Fate of our Universe

2. Earth Science

a. Atmospheric Science

i. The Troposphere

ii. Weather

b. Geology/Geophysics

i. Subterranean Evolution

ii. Mountains

iii. Petrology

c. Hydrology/Oceanography

3. Medicine

a. Embryology

b. Psychology

4. Botanical Science

5. Zoology

6. Chemistry

II. Historical Facts

1. Archeology

2. Egyptology

3. Predictions

4. Miscellaneous

III. Numerical and Mathematical Precision

1. Attributes of the Holy Quran

2. Science

a. Astronomy/Astrophysics

b. Chemistry

c. Geology/Geophysics

d. Medicine

B. The Hadith (i.e. the Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (SA))

I. Astronomy/Astrophysics

II. Climatology

III. Economy

IV. Geography

V. Geology/Geophysics

VI. History

VII. Medicine

VIII. Technology

C. Prophet Muhammad (SA) in Other Religious Scriptures

I. Hinduism

II. Judaism

III. Christianity

D. Miscellaneous

E. Observations Science has Yet to Make

Glossary of Terms


Allahu Alim (Allah Knows Best)